Part-time programs

Explore our Part-time Undergraduate and Graduate Programs at the Université de Moncton's Continuing Education. Our flexible programs allow you to pursue your education while balancing your professional and personal commitments. Discover our range of undergraduate and graduate programs designed to meet your specific educational needs and take the next step toward academic excellence.

The blue icons below illustrate the various delivery methods used in the programs.


Online: Program where all courses are offered online or through Microsoft Teams.

Face-to-face: A program in which all courses are offered in-person on one of the three campuses of the Université de Moncton.

Hybrid: A program in which some courses are offered online or through Microsoft Teams, and other courses are offered exclusively in-person.

Our programs are offered in French only.

Undergraduate programs

Bachelor's Degree in Multidisciplinary Business Administration

Certificate in Accounting

Certificate in Corporate Finance

Certificate in Financial Services Management

Certificate in Management

Certificate in Marketing

Certificate in Human Resources Management

Certificate in Logistics Planning and Management
Certificate in organizational information systems
Diploma in Business Administration

Short Program in Document Management

Bachelor of Individualized Studies

Multidisciplinary Bachelor of Arts

Certificate in Addictions

Certificate in Creative Writing

Certificate in Sociolinguistics

Introduction to professional writing undergraduate microprogram
Diploma in Community Analysis and Action

Applied Bachelor's Degree in Technology, Information and Leadership

Certificate in Corporate Information Security Management

Bachelor's Degree in Education (Elementary)

Certificate in Andragogy

Preparatory microprogram for teaching in Canada



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