0087 - Business in French: Learning French as a second language for Business Professionals
Course Description
Course offered entirely online!
This French as a Second Language (FSL) Program seeks to help business professionals overcome common difficulties in the French language, develop vocabulary, and improve pronunciation skills. As an online program, it contains four training modules each addressing a specific topic that enables you to expand your language skills and perfect your abilities in spoken and written French. This will allow you to gain confidence and fluency when expressing yourself in French at work. This Program is offered entirely online, therefore you can learn when and where you want.
These modules are intended for intermediate and advanced learners.
Module Topics:
- Common difficulties in the French language
- Customer Service
- Business Writing
- Networking
1. Common difficulties in the French language
- Practise pronunciation of vowels in French;
- Learn to distinguish between masculine and feminine words;
- Use various prepositions related to location, direction, and time.
2. Customer Service
- Recognize interrogative pronouns (question words);
- Use formulas of courtesy and greeting in a discussion;
- Identify the main message in a dialogue;
- Learn the best use of affirmative and negative sentences.
3. Writing in Business
- Use vocabulary related to customer service and Internet;
- Use written relationship markers;
- Correct Anglicisms with appropriate French words.
4. Networking in business
- Identify various kinds of intentions when communicating;
- Develop a vocabulary in relation to networking in business;
- Distinguish various kinds of reformulation strategies in a dialogue;
- Transform the active voice into the passive voice.
Target Audience: Anyone learning French as a second language, whether business or customer service professionals.
Delivery: This training Program is self-directed and offered entirely online. Each module represents about five hours of learning and includes evaluations (some in multiple-choice format).
Approximate number of hours of training: 20 hours
Ongoing Enrollment: You can enroll at any time.
Duration: You have six months to complete the Program.