0035 - Working with Council effectively: Guiding principles and best case practices
Course Description
This training is offered only to members of the NB Association of Municipal Administrators as part of the Municipal Management Training Program.
Mandatory workshop
As a Local Government employee, your role is critical in the efficient and effective running of operations of your workplace. There are guiding principles and best case practices that may assist you as an employee working for and dealing with elected officials, boards and committees. This workshop proposes to examine the issues of municipal management by clarifying the roles of elected officials and your tasks as a manager. How can you help each other while respecting your individual responsibilities?
Session topics will include: - navigating through open and closed meetings of Council; opportunities for discussion on dealing with matters of conflict of interest; discussions on how to deal with conflict resolution between Council and staff; best case practices for writing effective minutes/annual reports and provide an overview of the process of adopting by-laws relative to the Local Governance Act.
Learner Outcomes
At the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
Define and differentiate the roles of Council and staff:
Manage council meetings more effectively;
Develop an effective Procedural By-law and Code of Conduct;
Develop effective Council/Staff Relations;
Write Effective Minutes and Local Governance Policies;
Develop tools for Effective follow-up of Council meetings, including business writing, communication and annual reports;
Understand the Local Government By-laws, Regulations and the By-law Adoption Process;
Respond adequately to requests concerning a Right to Information request.
Applies Towards the Following Certificates
- Municipal management training program : Mandatory workshops